Why This Room Caught My Eye

Well just look at this fabulous picture! It is a detail shot with a close angle from what could be a dining room or a kitchen.

It combines so many beautiful details and styles that it naturally caught my eye. But let's structure it a bit:
  • Personal Gallery: I absolutely love the idea of a personal gallery that can be changed from time to time. This is the ideal way of exposing your latest flea market finds, heirloom pieces, recent buys.
  • Fresh Blooms: Hands up who's tired of the grey and cold weather! I am raising both my hands! For a fresh breeze of spring in your home it takes as little as a bunch of fresh blooms. Grab a bunch on your next market visit!
  • Vintage Wooden Table: Such a vintage wooden table is a big wish of mine for one of my future kitchens/dining rooms. I love the tactile feel of an old wooden table, the history you can feel while touching its surface. Bliss!
Do you like this room? What caught your eye?

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