Why This Room Caught My Eye

I would like to draw your attention to the highlights that caught my eye in the living room of British designer Harriet Anstruther.
This mid-19th century house in London has lots to offer but the living room really caught my eye. Here is why:
  • Fiery, pink velvet sofa: One accent piece of furniture can set the entire tone of a room. In this case, the fiery, pink velvet sofa has a strong visual power and speaks of the creative minds living in this home. Its color is reflected in the cushion on the other sofa and caught up by the large scale art above it.
  • Large scale art: This is the next highlight. A grand room calls for grand art. Here, the colorful painting adds interest and drama to the room and creates a sort of 'colorful cell' with the sofa.
  • Bay Window: Bay windows are a sheer highlight to me. The openness, the feel of it - just delight. It really brings in the natural light too.

So, anything here catch your eye? What do you think?

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